Tuesday, May 27, 2008

making the world a better place

In the past, I used to blog...a lot. :) I miss those days, but I also can't let my mind be consumed by the desire to blog more, because frankly, I just don't have the time. I will cultivate it in time, if I don't then it wasn't meant to be.

Anyway, I have reason and time to post now, and it's to draw your attention to All Day Buffet. I was reading a magazine this weekend that I picked up in Austin, TX at Whole Foods central headquarters. It's called L & G style. It's a flip format where one side caters to women (ladies) and the other focuses on men (gents). So far the three articles I've read have covered homeopathy, yoga, and doing something GOOD for the world.

I wrote a blog post at All Day Buffet here about a spa owner who sees it as her mission to make people feel more comfortable, more beautiful, and less stressed. Sounds pretty good to me.

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