Saturday, August 1, 2009

writing a social media plan

I am one part of a small team helping a local film festival get off the ground here in Dallas. As a faithful participant in various social media (Twitter, Yelp, Facebook, Blogger), I have volunteered to take a stab at a social media plan for the brand. Of course, I have all of this information in my head, and I put it to use on a daily basis, easy cheesy. But thinking about doing it for a "formal" brand, supported by a corporation, I need a formal plan. So here are some tools I'm finding along the way:

5 Steps to developing a Social Media Plan
from Mashable

Obama's Social Media Plan from The Conversation Agent

22 Tools to Consider
from Mashable (thank you guys!)

Best Buy Connect's Tips & Expectations

List of 40 Social Media Staff Policies

Hope this helps you write your own.

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