Thursday, November 26, 2009

A new blog @

I've decided to graduate. Junior Planner I Am has been an absolutely invaluable networking and thought-development tool for me during the past two and a half years. In fact, in all of the response emails I've sent out to you regarding "how do I get a job in account planning?" I've said, start a blog - it is an extremely easy tool to use that will not only help you network but will help you develop your voice as a planner. As you try to get into the industry, you have to turn the discipline on yourself and differentiate your brand from all the other brands trying to get the same job as you. The focus of differentiation needs to be in how you think - how can you illustrate your thought process? How does it differ from the next person's?

Essentially, we all have access to the same information, so what's your spin going to be on it? As you think about your planning brand, keep this quote in mind:
"Creativity is essentially the combination of old ideas in new relationships." ~ James Webb Young in his book A Technique For Producing Ideas (1965)
It is with this in mind that I'm evolving my brand of ideas into a new blog to cover my love for social media, strategic marketing (planning), trends, culture, and some life along the way. :)

If you came here looking for advice on the question I address above, check out the category of links called "finding a job." And, as always, plan on.

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