Saturday, April 21, 2007

Experience Planning

Ultimately, we would like to have a conversation with consumers.
We engage and try to illicit a response--this could be in direct dialogue, emotion or a change in behavior. This, my friends, is considered experience planning. COOL!

My inspiration for this post came from Chaos Scenario. The author says that Information Architects are becoming experience planners. I'm not a tech-girl, but I think an info architect is one who engineers code and plans for online information: blogs, chatrooms, page layout, feeds, etc. The desired response of this is consumer created content -- a conversation piece/dialogue.

Consumer created content gets put into context in this article: CEO's Stress Creativity, Personnel.

"Publicis USA chairman and CEO Susan Gianinno, in an address titled "Are We There Yet?" simultaneously lauded the creative contributions of consumers over the past year while scolding the industry for ceding ground to amateurs."

Consumers are engaged to a different degree in this new generation of advertising and that's pretty cool. Because engagement is really what we're after anyway, right? Now we just need to make this engagement sustainable. (this is a plug for Portland: gotta love this city!) ~ site dedicated to tools for exp. planning

ps. the image is courtesy of the Planning Eye group on flickr.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There's a lot of discussion about letting consumers manipulate and contribute in marketing trends. In some ways I've seen it argued as a bit of laziness but there's a level of assumed engagement that consumers demand as the YouTubes/Google Videos, Blogspots, Photosharing services, podcasts, myspaces and such of this world have made there. You can comment on News stories on pretty much ever news outlet, and interact with your media. So letting non-professionals promote your product is just the next logical step.

I don't see advertisers really retracting as more just responding to the trends. I'm no expert on this, but the "Web 2.0" movement just what everyone assumes now. I can't see marketing taking it away at this current point in time.

Haven't the designers always been the "experience" planners when talking about tech or industrial design? Just my observation.