- business cards
- coasters
- flyers
- beer sleeves
- bumper stickers
- bathroom media
- menus (rest. biz)
- public spaces/properties - state & regional govts are looking for money from somewhere
- blogs
- craigslist
- product packaging
What is media? I read today on whistle through your comb blogspot that EVEN people can be media. Makes you question what media really are and what their job really is.
Media is about communicating information. ok, prepare for a rant:
My friend Adelle today said that art is about a methodology. I think some art is about a method, say if it's about illustrating a period of time or a cultural movement, then there's certain information that goes into a piece like that. Well...if we think about smart advertising; it should take into account a lot of the information of the time period as well, to be effective in reaching the right people. ANYWAY, advertising is art is information is media. and account planning is the method by which advertising can make sense in the world. dar...maybe this is just a rant.